How to choose the right Solar Panel System?

Alright, so finally you have decided to install the right solar panel system for your home..!

Congratulations on your decision…But wait, have you figured out the overall process associated with the solar panel installation yet?

It’s very important to have the right information with you. Whatever solar panel you wish to install at your home, it must suit your home electricity consumption requirements. One wrong decision and it may become a wrong choice, moreover a bad investment.

How can you select the right solar panel system?

Here, we are providing a list of points that will surely help you to select the right solar panel system for your home. As the solar system is a major investment to make, it has many different aspects other than just the price of the product.

Photovoltaics cell basis of a solar panel system

Any solar panel system for the home consists of solar panels, which are made up of photovoltaic cells, and the photovoltaic cells are made of semiconductor materials that absorb the photons emitted from the sun and generate a flow of electrons that directly convert solar energy into electrical energy. An individual PV cell is typically a small space that produces nearly 1 or 2 watts of solar energy. To boost the power of these PV cells to produce more solar energy, they are interconnected to each other.

Types of solar cells

Based on the type and technical mechanism of the solar cells there are majorly three types popularly in use for the solar panel. Get to know about the major types of solar cells here 

Monocrystalline solar cells

The monocrystalline solar panels consist of 40 monocrystalline solar cells made from cylindrical silicon slabs grown from a single crystal of silicon of high purity similar to a semiconductor. The cylindrical ingot is into wafers forming cells. When sunlight falls on the monocrystalline solar panel the cells absorb energy and create an electric field that generates power which runs based on the equation P (power) = V (voltage) x I (current). Monocrystalline solar cells in the solar panel have a pyramid pattern which collects a larger area to collect more energy from the sun’s rays. In the solar panel Monocrystalline cells are coated with silicon nitride to increase the absorption of solar rays. These cells have a higher efficiency to generate solar energy to electric energy and these panels have a greater heat resistance and long life too.

Polycrystalline cells 

Polycrystalline or Multi crystalline solar panels consist of several crystals of silicon in a single PV Cell. These cells are manufactured from cast square ingots through the process of cooling and solidifying molten silicon. These solar panels surface looks like a mosaic and these solar panels are square in shape with a shining blue hue which is made up of several crystals of silicon and it acts as a semiconductor device. When photons from the sun rays fall on the solar panel, it imparts energy to the electrons and that can flow as electric current. Here N-type and P-type materials and these two electrodes are connected with the PV cells.

Polycrystalline solar panels are more eco-friendly in comparison to monocrystalline solar panels. These solar panels have lower heat tolerance than monocrystalline solar panels. So, at higher temperatures, these solar panels have lower efficiency than others but polycrystalline solar panels have a high power density and come with a structural frame that makes mounting cheaper and simpler

Thin-film solar cells

One of the most recent and popular developments in the field of solar technology, thin-film solar panels have the most distinguishing features, as they are made up of an assembly of thin-film solar cells. Each thin-film solar cell is made of several layers of photon-absorbing materials and the thin-film solar panels layers can be up to 200-350 times smaller than the standard layer of silicon panels. Thin-film solar panels made from the materials such as Amorphous silicon (a-Si), Cadmium Telluride (CdTe), and Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS), and Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) are used as substrates. Out of all these, thin-film solar panels with Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) substrate are the most efficient, is almost about 28.8% more than others,

Thin-film solar panels are flexible and lightweight which is easy to install and less labor intensive than the traditional silicon solar panels. These panels contain a very less quantity of silicon. These solar panels are advised for larger rooftops or wide-open spaces.

Considerable factors to choose the right solar panel system 

Before finalizing the solar panel system, you need to investigate its suitability. Here are a few terms which you must consider for idealizing the solar panel –

1) Solar panel cost Foremost is the price concern for buying solar panels or buying anything. The right solar panel system cost is determined by the factors like –

  •  Size (both in watts and physical size of the solar system),
  • Brand
  • Performance.
    Based on these three terms, the cost of the solar panel system differs. while taking a decision for the least expensive solar panel system cant always be a good choice as the materials can be disappointing in terms of performance.

2) Solar system quality 

The brand and the quality of the solar components through which they are made is a concern that becomes even more important as the solar panel system is a one-time investment for each homeowner. You must always opt for the solar system components from the reputed brands, as they will prove the best choice for your residential needs but Amazing Solar sells all the top brands for every solar component. You can search for solar panel brands like Jinko, JA Solar, Seraphim, LG and solar inverter brands like Fronius, Goodwe, Growatt, SolarEdge, and SunGrow. You can even find the top solar battery brands as well. and Amazing solar is also offering free solar consulting, book your appointment now!

3) Solar panel efficiency

The efficiency of the solar system is calculated by the amount of electrical energy the solar panel is able to produce via solar energy. So the more efficient the solar panels will be, the better it will be for your home. Your home will get more amount of generated electrical energy. If you are also planning to have a solar battery,  then you will be able to save the extra electricity generated and then use it for further needs. Contact your nearest solar retailer if you feel any kind of assistance in selecting the right solar panel for your home.

4) Temperature coefficient and durability 

The solar panel system gets heated when they operate. So to maintain the flow of the temperature, it is necessary for the solar system to have an ideal temperature coefficient. A lower temperature coefficient per degree celsius will prove the best solution for the solar system.

Ultimately, it depends on you how you are going to think before finalizing the solar panel system. But if you will consider all the different points mentioned above then definitely it will be helping you to make a better decision for the solar system selection. 

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Himanshu Kumar
Himanshu Kumar
I recently had the pleasure of working with Peter to install solar panels on my home. I was very impressed with Peter's knowledge and professionalism. He was always available to answer my questions, and he went above and beyond to make sure that I was happy with my solar system. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is considering solar energy.
Pejman Pirani
Pejman Pirani
Highly recommends
Ankush Ankush
Ankush Ankush
"Sales representative Harry was not only very helpful but also extremely knowledgeable. He guided me through the entire process of transitioning to solar energy, making it a smooth and hassle-free experience. I was so impressed with his expertise that I've already recommended him to my friends and family. Switching to solar was a great decision, and Harry played a pivotal role in making it happen!" The installation process was seamless, and I'm already seeing a significant reduction in my electricity bills. Kudos to the team for their expertise and professionalism!" "Additionally, I've taken the liberty to personally request the Amazing Solar Boss to consider giving Harry a well-deserved hike. His exceptional assistance and knowledge truly made my transition to solar energy seamless. Harry's dedication deserves recognition, and I believe a hike would be a fitting reward for his outstanding work!" "Interestingly, I was on the verge of signing up with another vendor, but Harry's remarkable efforts changed everything. He went above and beyond to assist me, and his dedication was so compelling that I couldn't resist choosing Amazing Solar instead. His commitment truly set them apart, and I'm confident that my decision to go with Harry and Amazing Solar was the right one."
Larree Wood
Larree Wood
We looked into many Solar Companies but Amazing Solar Solutions stood out on price and size of solar package and turns out on Service I would give them more but it is only out of 5 stars I contacted Micheal about a quote and off we went Such great service from Micheal he helped us all the way to the finish line we had put in 8.3kw system Jinko panels From the moment we signed with Amazing Solar System it was put up the next week and excatly from the plan they show me it would be I would Highly Recomend to use Amazing Solar Solutions and ask for Micheal such good service
Richard Purton
Richard Purton
Peter, with whom I dealt with was terrific, went out of his way to make the whole process as easy as possible. As the name says, it really was amazing.
Doris Makowka
Doris Makowka
Patrick provided excellent service in helping me understand my requirements for solar energy. He is very knowledgeable and spent a lot of time with me without any pressure (not like some other companies hounding me for a $100 deposit!). Thanks for your support Patrick. ????
Nazia Sarwari
Nazia Sarwari
It was a great experience. Especially meeting Patrick. He was very helpful.